Before you read any further, do these things now:
1. Upload the Murphy app
2. Use my referral code Amy25435 and Upload the Get Upside app
3. Upload the evic coupon from Harris Teeter for 4x fuel points with gift card purchases
I love nice things. I really, really do.
BUT, I am cheap. I love money in my retirement account even more. Since I stayed home with my kids for 7 years when they were younger and then got divorced, the retirement struggle is real.
LOL... So, I am always looking for new ways to save money and I cannot believe I only found these gas hacks a month ago! Seriously, they are so easy!
1. Buy gift cards at Harris Teeter and rack up your fuel points! Right now, there is an e-vic coupon for 4x the fuel points for every gift card purchase. That means a 25.00 gift card earns you 100 fuel points.
* You cannot purchase Harris Teeter or fuel gift cards with this promotion.
100 fuel points= 10 cents off per gallon of gas. 200 fuel points= 20 cents off per gallon of gas. You are smart, you get it...
2. Download the GetUpside App and use my referral code: Amy 25435
Upload your receipt after gas purchase and get up to 15 cents cash back. Plus earn cash back on gas purchases your referrals make.
That is the gas hack if you are headed to BP and have Harris Teeter Fuel points.
But lets face it, some days, Walmart is just dang cheaper, so don't have fuel points???? I still have a money saving hack for you!
Keep reading.....
1. Download the Murphy gas app
here. You automatically save 15 cents per gallon on your next fill up and by completing your profile you are up to 100 reward points in 2 seconds flat. 100 points= 10 cents off per gallon.
Now Murphy is already the cheapest gas around my area (unless you use my above hack at BP) but this deal just makes it even better! Buy a Walmart fuel gift card and use that to pay at the pump and you save an additional 3 cents per gallon.
Right now gas at BP in my area is 2.59 per gallon and with the GetUpside app and 200 Harris Teeter Fuel points, I pay 2.30 per gallon. GetUpside will take a couple cents less off because of the doubling up on promotions, so it ends up being about 2.33 per gallon, but it is still a steep discount.
Right now gas at Murphy is 2.46 per gallon and with the Murphy app and Walmart gift card, I pay 2.33 cents per gallon.
I use both hacks depending upon my Harris Teeter fuel points. I like the GetUpside app because I also earn some money on my referrals gas purchases. And if you use my referral
Amy25435 we both get an extra 15 cents off per gallon.
What are you waiting for? I know you didn't listen to me at the top of this post! But listen now!
1. download the GetUpside App and please, please, please use my referral code
Amy25435 here.
2. download the Murphy App
3. add the Harris Teeter e-vic coupon for 4x fuel points with gift card purchase
4. buy some gift cards at Harris Teeter for places you already spend money.
5. buy a Walmart fuel gift card.
I have saved 10.00 in gas this past month using the above hacks! What will you do with your extra money?