
Monday, April 2, 2018

How I Lost 10 pounds in One Week

* Totalteachaholic is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I only share products that I have personally used and have seen amazing results with. My opinion is always honest.*

Holidays are so much fun and the food so delicious, but with Spring Break upon us, so is bathing suit season. Time to step on that scale and assess the winter damage. Then throw that dang scale across the room, because after all, it is LYING! It isn't possible that you gained THAT much weight over winter right?

BUT WAIT! There is an amazing product called The Cleaner Detox that helps me shed those pounds quickly. Of course I also exercise for 30-60 minutes every day. I prefer the treadmill on an incline, but any cardio will do. It is hard to get jump started back in this routine, but once I start The Cleaner Detox, my energy level increases and I feel so much better.

Now keep in mind I am not a doctor and I do not have any health conditions. Whenever I want to jump start my weight loss and increase my energy I start with a cleanse. I was terrified to do a cleanse at first but I have used this cleanse several times. It works! Now, you will feel some stomach cramping 10 to 15 minutes before you need to head to the restroom, but the cramping is not terrible and you have plenty of warning- my biggest fear of using a cleanse. I never use the cleanse for the 7 days, but rather 5 as I find all of the toxins in my body are pretty well cleaned out after 5 days.

You can purchase this cleanse by clicking The Cleaner 7 Day Detox Formula for Women

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