
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Saving Money on Car Insurance


Call a Competitor and get a Quote

I am constantly getting emails from other insurance companies offering me lower rates and incentives to switch companies. Well, today I took the plunge and called one of these other companies. I was indeed offered a lower rate off the bat. To entice me even further, I was offered a deeper discount if I install and use a mobile tracking device to obtain data about my driving habits. I am always excited about saving money so I was on the brink of accepting when......

Call Your Current Insurance Carrier

I decided to call my current insurance company first. I have been a loyal customer since 2000 and I am very happy with the service they have provided for me. But, as a divorced mom of two teenagers living on a teacher salary, saving money is top priority.

Consent for a Bluetooth Tracker to Gather Your Driving Data

After speaking to a customer service agent on the phone, I found out that my insurance company will offer me a 5% discount off the bat, for using a free app and a Bluetooth device in my glove box that tracks my driving behaviors. After the data is collected I will be given a deeper discount- up to 50%! Now I drive like a grandma and have never had an accident that was my fault or a speeding ticket... EVER, so I know I will get some sort of additional discount. No matter what, I am not penalized for using the tracking device... my rate will not go up.

Contact Your Local Insurance Office

The customer service representative also sent communication to my home insurance office so that they can reach out to me Monday morning with any additional discounts the local office can offer me. I could not be happier with State Farm! I don't get any affiliate income or referral bonuses for this post. This is simply a post to give you some information. Call your insurance company today! (Get a quote from a competitor first, but be wary of switching- the quote is often an introductory quote and will increase when you are no longer a new customer.)

Who doesn't love to save money???

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